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powered by TidyHQTown Team Collaboration
Town Team Collaboration
We Have Teamed Up!
The Town Team Movement and CoLocal are proud to announce that we have teamed up to help more communities to improve their places in Victoria. It’s a tricky time all over the world and never has it been more important to think about where we live, how we navigate our way through COVID and re-imagine the way we want our “Local Neighbourhood” and community to look and feel.
Town Teams
Town Teams are positive and proactive community groups that are open to businesses, landowners, and residents. They work collaboratively with their local government to improve a place or area, often a town centre or ‘main street’. They are catalysts for positive change and are focused on building relationships and practical actions to progress their area.
The only requirement to be a Town Team is to align with and live the Town Team Charter. The charter is a shared story of what Town Teams are and how they should behave. It helps explain our movement’s collective values and expectations. It’s a summary of the ‘Town Team Way’.
This partnership will shape a movement of citizen-led action focused on creating connected, resilient communities and better places. Working along Town Team principles, CoLocal will grow the movement of local teams and will draw on the experience, expertise, and collaboration with Town Team Movement on Victorian-based projects.
If you are interested in learning more about what you can do in your local area feel free to reach out: popup@colocal.com.au